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Styx the cat hears the call of the wild

Styx the cat hears the call of the wild

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WHEN YOU welcome someone new into the family, it’s always a risk, especially when the new family member has a sketchy background.

To be blunt, the newest Jones isn’t exactly part of the 1 percent. In fact, she was pretty much homeless. She slept under discarded couches, sheltered under outdoor decks and dodged wild animals while trying to make her way in this world. I know she probably doesn’t want me to tell you this, but she ate from garbage cans, roamed the streets and did unspeakable things to score meals.

Some of us aren’t made for that kind of life, and when we get tired of being sick and tired we inevitably come in out of the cold. I understand that better than most. That’s why I gave in when she hustled us like the streetwalker she was, and wormed her way into our house.

That was nearly a year ago. But now that our cat, Styx, has food, heat and shelter at her disposal, she’s getting that itch to hit the streets again, and she’s using every trick in the book to do so.

Sometimes I come home and I can spy her watching me through the security door.
Click here to read the rest of the story.

Photo: Neighbors Cat by CJ Isherwood. Click here to see the original photo.( CJ Isherwood/Flickr Creative Commons).

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Solomon Jones is an Essence bestselling author and award-winning columnist. He is the creator and editor of and morning host on 900 am WURD radio. Click here to learn more about Solomon