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Seeing life through the snow

Seeing life through the snow

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SNOW STORMS FORCE families to do what work, school and extracurricular activities often cause us to neglect. Storms make us come together.

They put us under one roof, and tell us in no uncertain terms, that we will interact with one another, that we will depend on one another, and if we are lucky, we will love one another, too.

Storms, in many ways, force us to reveal who we really are, not only to ourselves, but also to each other. They have the ability to take away every artificial crutch we’ve learned to lean on, and they force us back to the things that make us human.

When a storm knocks out power and leaves us without light, we look to one another for guidance.

When a storm disables the heating system and leaves us in the cold, we huddle together for warmth.

When a storm leaves us stationary and trapped in a dangerous position, we find safety in numbers.

But storms aren’t always tragedies. Sometimes they’re simply pauses that make us stop and look at the people with whom we’ve chosen to spend our lives. And in that moment of stillness, we can actually see the good that’s all around us.

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(Featured photo by Solomon Jones)