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The Great Flood of 2015

The Great Flood of 2015

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IT WAS EARLY Saturday morning when I burrowed beneath the covers, my lips turned up in a self-satisfied smile. This would be the weekend that my dream of sleeping in would be realized.

As I settled in for a long winter’s nap, familiar sounds filled my home. My wife, LaVeta, the early riser, was downstairs, moving about. My daughter, Eve, who’d hurt her ankle in gym, was resting comfortably down the hall. My son, Solomon, walked out of his room for his morning bathroom pilgrimage.

That’s when everything went south.

I should’ve known something was amiss when I heard the toilet flush right away. Solomon’s weekend bathroom extravaganza is normally an event, complete with games, humming and magazines. He’s a lot like his father that way. But this time, it was quick. Plus, I didn’t hear any humming.

When I made it to the bathroom, however, it was like a scene from “The Ten Commandments.” Our toilet had overflowed, unleashing the Red Sea onto the bathroom floor. For a moment, the three of us stood there, frozen and disgusted by the sight of the Great Flood of 2015.

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Illustration by Richard Harrington

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Solomon Jones is an Essence bestselling author and award-winning columnist. He is the creator and editor of and morning host on 900 am WURD radio. Click here to learn more about Solomon.